Ladies! How would you like to work in a field that pays extremely well, offers a fun low stress environment, and allows you to get a little wild? Our laid-back, party atmosphere offers a chance to relax, hang out with new friends, and all the while earn unbeatable money. Work part time hours and take home full time money. There is no limit to the amount you can earn. $2000 in one night does happen.
Rumors Cabaret is constantly searching for quality entertainers. We are looking for confident, outgoing ladies of all types who enjoy flirting and strutting their stuff. A great smile and a huge dose of sexy positive attitude are always a bonus. If you would like to check out the clubs or if you are ready for an audition please contact us to set it up.
We expect a lot from our staff so when we find the right folks we treat them well. Most of our staff stay with us for a while so openings are not common but it does happen from time to time. It never hurts to stop by and talk to the manager about any possible job openings.
Please talk to us about work before you visit the bartenders though.